Advantages of Using a Water Table in Your CNC Plasma Cutter

What is a Water Table? When working with a CNC plasma cutting table , it’s essential to have some way of controlling the dust and fumes from the cutting process. One solution is a water table (often referred to as a waterbed or a water pan), where the metal being cut is underneath a layer of water that prevents it from generating fumes. The other solutions are to use a dry table with no additional equipment to handle fumes and dust or a downdraft table where air flows down through the table and pulls dust and fumes away from the cutting area. While all three methods can be effective, each has its benefits and drawbacks. A water table does not require a dust collector (in most areas), reduces noise, eliminates dangerous arc flash, reduces heat distortion and keeps parts cool, just to name a few. Advantages of Using a Water Table Price: The first point when people choosing their cutting table is the significant difference in the up-front price between...